Children at St Edmund's
Children are an important part of our Church, some are altar servers all are welcome at our Sunday School. We also have a Youth Group.
On the first Sunday of the month we have an All-Age Eucharist (in church and on YouTube) which is a more accessible and shorter service - have a watch here to see a past service.
For the over 9s we have a Youth Group which meets every other Wednesday from 7pm - 9pm in the hall during term time.
Sunday School at St Edmund's
Sunday School will restart from 11th September 2022. We meet at 10am in Church and then go through to the Hall. Parents are welcome to stay with their children.
Sunday School is suitable for children aged 3 to 10. For details contact Carol on 01923 825 434 or just come along.
We aim, through crafts and hearing bible stories, to encourage the children to learn more about God and how to live good lives.
We go back into Church to join the congregation for a Blessing after Sunday School.