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Below are the regular services - please check 'This week'              for any changes to the norm. 



Sunday Services


8am Eucharist 

A short quiet celebration held in the Lady Chapel and lasting about 40 minutes


10am Sung Parish Eucharist 

This is our main act of worship and lasts about 75 minutes and includes hymns led by our choir who also lead the singing of other parts of the service. We also have a full serving team who assist with the service.  Refreshments are served in the Hall after the service.


10am First Sunday of the Month - All Age Eucharist

On the first Sunday of the month we have an All Age Service, which is shorter than usual and includes more contemporary music and songs.There is also more to join in with!

10am Sunday - Spectrum on Sunday (Sunday School)

  This is our Sunday school for our children and young people, which meets during the main service (except on the first Sunday of the month) and returns to church near the end of the service.


Weekday Services


There is worship at St Edmunds every day apart from Monday. Eucharists usually last for about 30 minutes and Morning and Evening Prayer for about 20 minutes.


These are the usual times for services below but please check here              for any changes this week


 Evening Prayer 6.45pm

Eucharist 7.15pm



Evening Prayer 5pm

Eucharist 5.30pm



Morning Prayer 9.30am

Eucharist 10am (followed by refreshments)

The first Thursday of the month is a healing Eucharist

Laying on of hands and anointing is offered



Morning Prayer 8am

Eucharist 8.30am



Morning Prayer 10am

Eucharist 10.30am (followed by refreshments)



Candlelit Open Church Evening
Thursday 23rd November 7 - 9 PM

Whatever is going on in your life or in the world, this is a place and time to be still, think, pray and find peace.


 TODAY! Saturday 25 November 

 11.30am - 2pm in the Church and Hall 

 Lunches * Grand Draw * Visit Father Christmas' Grotto * Tombola * Cakes * Gifts * Candles * Books * Cards & Wrap * Toys 

Candlelit Open Church Evening
Thursday 7th December 7pm - 9pm
Whatever is going on in your life or in the world, this is a place and time to be still, think, pray and find peace.

Candlelit Open Church Evening
Thursday 23rd November 7 - 9 PM

Whatever is going on in your life or in the world, this is a place and time to be still, think, pray and find peace.

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